Weclome to my site!!!

This current layout was made using this guide here

This site is where I post my artwork on the "artwork" tab and the "blog" tab is where I go to spill my guts on random things whenever. I know that probably isn't what a blog is/what the term means but it sounded nice so "blog" is what I will go with for now.

So, a little about me. I am an artist and I have built this website for myself as a way to move away from using social media for my art/thoughts as well as to avoid AI as best I can. Not saying my artwork is like God's gift to the world or anything, but, y'know. I have been drawing since longer than I can remember, and I have been nerdy since I was about 10 years old (for reference, I was born in 2005) with Five Nights at Freddy's and My Little Pony. I have autism, and I am also LGBT.

With all that aside, I do hope you enjoy your time hanging out here and have a lovely day.